Wonderful human nature ! 人間は素敵と信じられる

2 Shocking! Insane bravery

難民,生きる美 : Asylum-seekers, Refugees and the art of living

Asylum-seekers, Refugees and the art of living
(It could be a wonderful start of a new world.) By Maggie Aoyagi.
  European countries are receiving refugees because there is a great foundation of human rights and all that. But it also has created some great problems in Europe, like cultural and religious conflict, etc. I have seen some of those problems, while I’ve traveled through Europe.
                       Food, water, heat and housing are all basic needs. And the countries which receive all those people have great financial challenges. Of course there are some companies which will get great business and solve some unemployment problems. However all that money comes from the people’s taxation. And if asylum-seekers are put in institutional compounds all day, they will get mentally ill.
We, humans & most refugees are not intending to be trouble makers.

Well …I think that it could be a wonderful start of a new world. How…?
Like the German hostages in Japan created a nice village in Tokushima. It is called The paradise in the battle.  Major General Matui made it possible, too.

                         Most of us want to keep the city material lifestyle like in the Hollywood movies. however, we someday realize that we need to have a real satisfaction that comes from connecting to nature and the divine.   We can create an ideal village out of a dying village. A village which can manage its own necessities by farming. Even natural energy, too.
(I’ve already started living my own self-sufficient life.)

If refugees create those, when they go back to their countries, the village like dream can be sold for a good price and they can start a new life with that income.

                         It’s essential for us and refugees to enjoy the right to work.
Restoring and recreating our lives gives us a sense of dignity after escaping persecution and war.

井上涼 個展に魅せられる「マチルダ先輩と忍者合唱団」Inoue Ryo’s fantastic projection theater gallery

感想;NHK Eテレ “びじゅチューン” 手がける井上涼の個展「マチルダ先輩と忍者合唱団」末広町駅下車2分アーツ千代田3331にて English & Japanese 感想 by:maggie7.com
Inoue Ryo in Akihabara “Ryo’s fantastic projection theater gallery”
  とても素晴らしい絵像ギャラリーでした。そこにはとても幻想的な絵像が壁、天井、床に映し出され、そして映画がはじまるのです。子供達、大人さえもがそれに魅了させられます。貴方はそこにいて貴方自身の心と感情を経験するのです。それを鑑賞したあと….自分をもっと大切にし、また隣にいる人も慈しみたいと感じることでしょう。そして美味しいケーキとコーヒーやお茶のようなあたたかな時を創りだせるのです。わたしは聴衆者の皆さんのお顔に ほのぼのとした輝きが見てとれました。 涼さんそんな素敵な作品を創られて〜ありがとう!!
  皆様〜どうそどこによられて、絵像映画をご覧になっていってください。土曜日で人が次々入って来られましたが、広い場所なので、座ってじっくり素敵な絵像と音楽を楽しめますよ!! 銀座線の末広町駅で下車し、松屋を曲がりすぐそこです。簡単に場所はわかりますから、あと涼さんの10年間の作品の詰まったDVDが手に入りますよ。これ凄いです!!! 昼12時からよる8時まで 明後日の31日月曜日の夜8時までですよね。確かめてね。マギより
It was a fantastic projection theater gallery. There are very fantastic projections on the wall, celling and floor, then a story will be told. Children and even adults were enchanted.
And you will be right there to experience the magic of your heart and feelings. After watching it, you feel like cherishing yourself more and others. I see a brightness in the audience’s countenance.
We can imagine that each of our precious hearts can be cherished, and will create warm sweet moments like sweet cake and delicious coffee or tea.
God bless Ryo-san for creating those wonderful works of art. Please pass by and see it. Take The Ginza line and get off at Suehirocho station. You will find the place very easily. See you there!! (And you can get a wonderful DVD of his ten years of art work. ) . Maggie



生活の中の美 the beauty in their lives: by Hara-san

    I admit that Tokyo city is not so beautiful compared to the cities in Europe.
There are vulgar advertisements and colors, utility poles and wires.
Japan should work on the beauty of its infrastructure.
   Some Japanese seem not to see the beauty in their lives. Maybe they have been busy working for efficiency and productivity. I recognized that lots of Japanese work for their retirement. However, Europeans work for daily enjoyment and for the beauty in many areas in their lives.

Wholesome treatment ; 健全なる治療 By Dr. Sakamoto

Dr. 坂本さんが 先日のクラスで語っていらっしゃたことです。「医師が患者さんを診断するとき、すでに調べられて証明されている診断に基づき、その診断のパターンにあてはめようとする方法に頼ります。この患者さんをある診断結果に当てはめるということは、貴重な一人一人の生命に関わっているというインスピレーションを失います。ですから私はもっと一人一人のかたと近いコミュニケーションを築き、しっかりとした治療の可能性を探るようにしていきたいと思います。
By Dr. Sakamoto. When doctors examine a patient most of their methods are based on research evidence and tend to produce a rapid onset of symptoms. This way of categorizing means a reduced ability for real treatment. It also causes a loss of inspiration for handling precious individual lives. So I’d like to establish close communication with each person, and find the possibility for wholesome treatment.