Answer: How to handle unreasonable situations. By Maggie A.理不尽な状況にどう対処するのか?

How to handle unreasonable situations. By Maggie Aoyagi.

If we spend our time concentrating on unreasonable doubts and fears we will waste an enormous amount of energy and time.

If we squander our time and energy on negative situations we just feel it—no life;no joy ;no passion—-just total death.

So, let’s quickly escape from the dark valley of regretting and resentment and soar to the blue skies like an eagle.

We will see the whole of life from above and we will see that there is no error in the history of our lives.

Especially all the wounds we have sustained in the battle of life make us worthy of receiving a Divine crown.

Answer: 「理不尽な状況にどう対処するのか?」 マギのエッセイより (英語の直訳ではありません。)

  道理に合わないことへの疑いや恐れに焦点をあてているなら 私たちは多大なエネルギーと力を無駄にしてしまいます。

  もし 否定的な状況に時間やエネルギを浪費しているなら~ これを実際に私たちは感じます。 そこに命はなく、喜びもなく、情熱もありません。~完全なる死たけです。




It looks scrumptious !

Maggie: Today I had a telephone English lesson with Sayako-san who lives in Hiroshima. At the end of the lesson, she did cooking in English. It looks scrumptious. The printed material that we can see behind the plate is an article about Cinnamon. It has high antioxidants. 今日は 広島にご住まい フラワーティーブレンドの名人 お会いしたとき思わす子供の純朴さを思い起こさせてしまう~さやこさんと ラインでのレッスンをしました。レッスンの最後の10分は クッキングを英語でやって頂きました。美味しそうですね~ ドライカレーの向こうに見えるプリントは 抗酸化物質を含む シナモンについてのお勉強の記事です。 さやこさん「お茶を飲みたいのだけれど、お茶を頂くまえに お母さんを呼んできたい~。夕飯を食べ始めたいけれど 夕飯の間 音楽を聞きたい~!」とか~という 会話をしてくださいました。皆様~英語に訳してください。

  Sayako:   マギ先生~        ドライカレー、ベリーナイスです(^.^)    キャベツがシャキシャキしてとても美味しいです☆     もち玄米も炊いておきました♪( ´▽)ありがとうございます!     マギ先生にいただいた、ピーチティーも! では~

s-sayako's cooking

How to handle unreasonable situations. [60年前の赤ちゃん取り違え]

  人生で理不尽に起きる物事をどうとらえるか。今日のレッスンで広美さんがある記事を会話の中で説明してくださいました。↓  Contributed by Hiromi & David. Sixty years ago a Japanese hospital got two newborn babies mixed up. They gave the babies to the wrong mothers. The mistake wasn’t discovered until recently. After the shocking discovery the hospital had to pay big money in damages. They both had a happy upbring in spite of the mistake. Fate can work in mysterious ways.

Both families were kind and raised the children with love and care. Surely the real parents of a child are the ones who make sacrifices to prepare the child for daily life in this tough world. It takes years of blood,sweat and tears to raise a child. Instead of feeling mad, sad or sorry for the kids and parents involved we should see it as a wonderful experience for all people involved.

To be continued…..

At the Rockefeller Center:from T.Tkeuchi

+:.゜ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゜.:+I went to see a Christmas tree Lighting Ceremony at the Rockefeller Center. When the 16 meter Christmas tree was illuminated it was a very wonderful spectacle and so beautiful . The star on the top of the tree is made of Swarovsk. There was a crowd of people there. If it was in Japan. Most Japanese would push each other. Most Americans don’t push each other. They were just screaming. “We will have to come back tomorrow! “

Report from NY, by T.Tkeuchi.

 I went to the metropolitan Museum, I was able to enter by donating 1$.

 Today is Thanksgiving Day, most shops are closed in NY.

 The normally noisy city is quiet right now.


「私はメトロポリタン博物館を訪れました. 1ドルの寄付で入場することができました。



 竹内さんは上記の英文を作りメールをしてくださいました。 さて~皆さんは これをどう 訳しますか? (could be able to ~ の 使い分けを 先週復習しました.)


1:そうだ! きょうは 中秋の明月! Well..Tonight, there is a full moon. It’s called Chusyuno-meigetu ! (the harvest moon)

2: 今晩、月はとっても明るく美しいわ。 The moon is very bright and beautiful.

3: 満月をよくみたら、うさぎがみえるかも! If you look at the full moon very carefully, you may be able to see a rabbit.

 または、最後の部分を…,you may see a rabbit. でも大丈夫です。自然など遠くから眺めるものはwatch でなくseeを使います。      



If you go to an amusement park, it used to be part of the experience to wait in long lines for the popular rides. Everybody had to do it. But that’s not really true today.

マイケル・サンデル氏のスピーチでは↓このように語りかけています。 スピーチでは文法がくずれますが美しいスピーチですね。↓

If you go to an amusement park, used to be at amusement parks part of the experience was waiting in long lines for the popular rides, Everybody had to do it. But that’s not really true today.